College Placement Test Prep

Developed for the ACT®, SAT®, GED®, ACCUPLACER®, and TSI Assessment exams

We offer instruction, not just “College Placement Test Prep.” More than a practice test, College Readiness Tutorials prepare our students by deepening their understanding of concepts on the specific exam.
Our tutorials target concepts covered by college readiness exams with instruction aligned to each test.

An Individual Approach To College Placement Test Prep

College Readiness Tutorials build students’ knowledge and skills through a highly interactive and research-based approach to direct instruction, practice, review, and assessment. A national study found the instructional approach of tutorials effective. Pretest to posttest gains were 20 percentile points.
Individualized learning paths prioritize preparation time based on what will help the student earn higher scores on the exam.

Student-Centered Active Learning

Students “learn by doing” and are supported through rigorous content in ways best suited to their learning style.

Meaningful Data to Inform Preparation

View detailed progress and performance data by concept for individual students or an entire class. Real-Time Actionable Data provides students, teachers, and administrators with real-time data on student progress and performance using a flexible web-based reporting system.

Pretest to Posttest Gain Up

Intuitive dashboards efficiently monitor progress and performance across Tutorials with ease and quickly identify if students are at risk of falling behind in their preparation.

Getting Started with College Placement

We will help you every step of the way. We accept applications year-round. Our rolling admissions process enables us to enroll within 48 hours. The first step to starting the admissions process is for your student to complete the online application.



SAT Math, Writing and Language, and Reading Tutorials offer targeted instruction, practice, and review. Students engage with the content in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through SAT test aligned modules. Students practice skills essential to the test they’re preparing for and build the depth of knowledge, confidence, and higher order skills required to demonstrate mastery when put to the test.


The ACCUPLACER® Tutorials are based on the next-generation ACCUPLACER test specifications. They provide students a more successful and less stressful preparation effort as they work to demonstrate college readiness on next-generation ACCUPLACER exams.

ACCUPLACER Arithmetic, Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics, Advanced Algebra and Functions, Reading, and Writing Tutorials offer targeted instruction, practice, and review. Students engage with the content in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through next-generation ACCUPLACER test aligned modules. Students practice skills essential to the test they’re preparing for and build the depth of knowledge, confidence, and higher order skills required to demonstrate mastery when put to the test.

In each module, the Learn It and Try It make complex ideas accessible to students through focused content, guided analysis, and practice with personalized feedback so students are empowered to increase their Exam Readiness. The Review It offers an engaging and high impact video summary of key concepts and important to grasp connections. The Test It assesses students’ mastery of the module’s concepts, providing granular performance data to students and teachers, linking a student’s performance to content dimensions and descriptions found in the test specification. To help students focus on the content most relevant to them, unit-level pretests and posttests can quickly identify where students are ready for test day and where they still need to review and practice.

This Tutorial is aligned with next-generation ACCUPLACER content dimensions and descriptions for Math and ELA test sections.

High School HiSET®

HiSET® Tutorials are designed based on the HiSET® Information Brief, which includes the High School College and Career Readiness Statements to provide students with a more successful and less stressful preparation effort as they work to demonstrate their college readiness on the HiSET® test


ACT Mathematics, English, and Reading Tutorials offer targeted instruction, practice, and review. Students engage with the content in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through ACT test aligned modules. Students will practice skills essential to the test they’re preparing for and build the depth of knowledge, confidence, and higher order skills required to demonstrate mastery when put to the test.


GED Tutorials offer targeted instruction, practice, and review. Students engage with the content in an interactive, feedback-rich environment as they progress through GED test-aligned modules. Students will practice skills essential to the test they’re preparing for and build the depth of knowledge, confidence, and higher-order skills required to demonstrate mastery when put to the test.

High School TASC® Test

TASC Test Assessing Secondary Completion® Tutorials are based on specifications found in TASC Test information for publishers which includes alignment to Common Core State Standards and provide students a less stressful and more successful preparation effort as they work to achieve a TASC test passing score.